What was the breasts cancer? When to a place on our body was gotten by the growth of excessive cells, then a bump or the tumour will happen. This tumour could be domesticated and cruel. This raging tumour that was mentioned with cancer. The raging tumour had the typical characteristics, that is could spread the area to the other part all over the body to develop by the new tumour. This spreading was mentioned metastase. Cancer had the different characteristics. There were those who grew quickly, there were those who grew was not too fast, like breasts cancer.
The first cell of breasts cancer could grow into the tumour as big as 1 cm when 8-12 years. This cancer cell was still to the breasts gland. These cells of breasts cancer could spread through the blood circulation all through the body. When the spreading took place, we did not know. The cell of breasts cancer could hide in our body for years without being known by us, and suddenly active became the raging tumour or cancer.
The development of cancer :
1.The I stage (the early stage)
The tumour size not more than 2 - 2,25 cm, and was not gotten by the spreading (metastase) to the armpit lymph gland. In this I stage, the possibility of recuperation completely was 70 %. To check was or not metastase to the other body part, must be checked in the laboratory
2.Stage II
The tumour has been bigger than 2,25 cm and has happened metastase to the lymph gland on the armpit. In this stage, the possibility of recovering only 30 - 40 % depended on the width of the spreading of the cancer cell. In the I stage and Ii usually was carried out by the operation to lift available cancer cells in all the spreading part, and after the operation was carried out by the illumination to confirm did not have again backward cancer cells.
3.Stage III
The tumour has been big enough, the cancer cell spread all through the body, and the possibility to recover remained at a little. Breasts medical treatment already was not meaning that again. Usually medical treatment is only carried out by the illumination and chemotherapie (giving of medicine that could kill the cancer cell). Sometimes also was carried out by the operation to promote the breasts part that has been serious. These efforts only to hinder the process of the development of the cancer cell in the body as well as to alleviate the sufferer's suffering as maximally as possible.
The prevention of early
Needed to be learnt, that 9 among 10 women found the existence of the bump on his breasts. For the prevention of early, could be carried out personally. Better the inspection was carried out after being finished really menstruation. Before menstruation, breasts rather swelled so as to cause difficulties for the inspection. The inspection method was as follows:
1.Stood in front of the mirror and pay attention to whether having the deviation to breasts. Usually the two breasts not be the same, his nipples also were not located in the same height. Pay attention to whether being gotten wrinkles, the indentation, or the nipple be interested inside. When being gotten by the deviation or going out the liquid or blood from the nipple, immediately went to the doctor.
2.Place the two arms on the head and pay attention to again the two breasts.
3.Bend the body as far as breasts depended down, and checked again.
4.Lay in the bed and placed the left hands after the head, and a pillow under the left shoulder. Feel left breasts with the right palm of fingers. Checked whether having the bump to breasts. Afterwards checked also whether having the bump or the swelling to the left armpit.
5.Checked and felt the nipple and surrounding area. Generally the mammary gland when being felt with the palm of hands fingers will be felt elastic and was easy to be moved. When having the tumour, then will be felt hard and could not be moved (could not be moved from his place). When being felt had a bump as big as 1 cm or more, immediately went to the doctor. It was increasingly early that the handling, increasingly big the possibility of recovering completely
6.Do the same thing for breasts and the right armpit.
The Next Medical treatment . When being found by the existence of the bump, usually the doctor will suggest to be carried out by the inspection mammografie. Mammografie was the breasts inspection with the implement x-rayed and was a simple inspection method, was not sick, and only took up time 5 - 10 minutes then. When being best for underwent the inspection mammografie was a week after being finished menstruation. His method of being to place breasts in a changing manner between 2 sheets of the foundation, afterwards was made the photograph x-rayed from top to bottom, afterwards from left to right. Results of this photograph will be checked by the radiology specialist. A bump as big as 0,25 cm could have been seen in mammogram.
The other method was with the small operation to take the example of the network (the biopsy) from the bump, afterwards was checked under the microscope of the laboratory of anatomy pathology. When being known and confirmed that the bump was cancer, then breasts must be lifted by all of them to avoid the spreading to the other body part.
Who that must undergo the inspection mammografie?
*The woman who was more than 50 years old.
*The woman who the boundary the mother or the sister who the boundary suffered breasts
*The woman who had undergone the appointment of one of his breasts. The woman in this group
must be in the tight supervision.
*The woman who had never given birth to the child. Evidently to this group often was
encountered by the attack of breasts cancer.
Article this was taken from various sources