What went wrong? Could be, how you exercise less precise. Quoted from thenest, there are four most common mistakes in the gym that actually makes you gain weight.
1. Sports in the Morning Without Breakfast
You go to the gym in the morning without breakfast first, in hopes of burning more calories. This method is clearly wrong. Exercise before eating makes the stomach feel more hungry and cause you to eat more afterwards. As a result, not the calories you burn fat but rather an ever-increasing.
According to research, is not really a problem you exercise in the morning, afternoon or evening. There are people who prefer to exercise in the morning, but there is also a more comfortable workout during the afternoon after coming home office. The key to fitness is consistency, so the benefits for fitness and health will be obtained to the maximum provided you are disciplined in the gym. If you are accustomed to fitness in the afternoon, continue to set like that.
Also make sure your stomach is already filled 30 minutes before exercise, a minimum consumption of bananas or apples. Your body is like a car, needs fuel in order to run efficiently. If the stomach is empty, the body was not able to work up to burn calories.
2. Spending Over 2 Hours in the Gym
Order to get maximum results in burning calories, you spend two to three hours in the gym. Gym to burn calories and get the ideal body shape is not dependent on how long you exercise, but how hard you exercise. You may be just a minute workout at the gym, but make sure you do quality training. You can easily burn calories in 30 minutes, with increasing exercise intensity.
Exercises with focus and high intensity for 20 minutes would be more effective than minimal motion exercises for an hour. Plus, with high-intensity exercise, your body will continue to burn calories several hours after the exercise session is completed.
3. Sports Movement Doing the Same
If you do the same exercise movements in a period too long, the body will adapt to the movement. As a result, exercise is no longer the most out of your body than when the early exercise first. These movements are performed exercise at the gym is usually only beneficial in the short term.
For example, weight training is useful to form the arms and chest muscles. If the arms and chest has been fully formed, then weight training should not do anymore.
To get maximum results from exercise, is to give 'new challenges' for the body to try this type of exercise is different. Change in constant motion, at least once every two weeks. Changes need not be large. For example, instead of dumbbell squats with barbell squats, dumbbell or kettlebell exchanged.
4. Against the envy of Form Body Beautiful Celebrities
If you consider the celebrity world was born with a nearly perfect body, so it does not spur you to exercise, you are wrong. According to some experts who have worked with several celebrities, most of the celebrities trying hard to get a beautiful body as it is now. Call it Halle Berry, Jessica Alba, Cameron Diaz and Jennifer Lopez. Their bodies are sexy obtained because diligent exercise, maintain a diet, even some celebrities have a trainer, nutritionist and personal chef.
You do not need to emulate it raw what they do. But imitate their spirit and effort, make them as motivation. Without effort you will not get the ideal body shape.